EPS Merchant Application Process

Here’s how simple and easy the application and approval process is with EPS. Some merchants are up and running with EPS for online purchases in as little as two hours!

1. Merchant completes application and submits all required documentation for approval process

2. Application is sent to an underwriter  for complete review

  • Notification will be sent via email that application was received and is being reviewed
  • If additional documentation is required, the merchant will be notified of additional documentation via phone call and email

3. Application is sent to processing for boarding

4. Approval or decline of application-

  • If the merchant is approved for services- an email will be sent to the merchant with Merchant ID, and update that Tech Support will be in contact for reprogramming of the terminal or training on the terminal gateway
  • If the merchant is declined for services- the merchant will be notified via phone call and email of the declined application and reason for decline.

5. Downloading/Shipping/Training/Install – If everything is submitted, process is usually 48 hours or less

Click the image below to view/download the EPS Merchant Application form.

(This is a PDF file and will open a new window to download.)

Need help filling this out? Need anything clarified?
We’re here to help.
You can call our Sales Team at 844-691-6205.